Covid-19 Policies
There will be a limited number of parents allowed into the viewing area upstairs and the upstairs bathrooms will be closed. We will not allow any parents to view or loiter in the lobby or gym shop area during class.
If you stay to view class you must wear masks at all times and sit on the designated spots on the bleachers only.
Gymnast cannot be dropped off early or come into the gym until their coach comes out the front door to call their group in. Gymnasts are to wait in the car until called into practice. No playing in the rocks, grass or sitting on the brick benches will be allowed.
The gymnast must bring their own water bottles to practice as we will be disconnecting the water fountains for the time being.
We will have every gymnast wash their hands or use antibacterial soap as soon as they come into the gym and on their way out of the gym. We will also have sanitizer throughout the gym.
Bathrooms will be limited to 1 person at a time.
Gymnasts will not be allowed back in the lobby once practice has started. We will only allow them to bring in their water bottles, cell phone and shoes into the gym and place them in a designated area.
IF YOUR CHILD IS SICK PLEASE DO NOT BRING THEM. We will send your child out if they show up with a runny nose, cough, or fever.
When practice is over, we will be leaving the gym out the garage door and around to the front of the building to be picked up. So that they are not mixing in with the next group coming in. PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD!! THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO STAY IN THE GYM. The coaches will need to get back into the gym ASAP to sanitize and get ready for their next group of students.
We will not be allowing private lessons for at least the first two weeks back into the gym.
We will now be offering a total of 24 makeup tokens for the year. That averages out to 2 missed classes per month. They will show in your account and be used to schedule makeup classes only.
We will not be offering make ups in June or July; makeup tokens will be put into your account to be used at a later date when makeup classes become available.
June 15th – June 27th will be the two week makeup for the classes that were missed in March, so there will be no tuition charged. If you do not wish to start back in June, Makeup tokens will be put into you accounts until classes go to regular schedule. There will be no refunds offered for the 2 weeks of March.